Before I take on any project, I build time into the process for research. I look at your issue through a strategic lens to tune in and turn on your audiences. Then, I leverage the everyday media and culture around us to move your ideas forward. These tactics are rooted in deep, deep strategy and maybe a little UFO magic.
Our work together will look a lot like the following:
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Each project starts with a free 30-minute meeting where we’ll start to uncover who you are, what you need, and how you define success.
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THE Pitch
From there, I’ll create a proposal that outlines the project scope, budget, and timeline. I’ll also flesh out the team based on the needs of the project.
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After the scope, budget and timeline are set, we will start to dig. I’ll review all internal docs, media stories, websites, and social media posts to fully understand your issue. I will also look at how your situation fits into the overall landscape, including a look at the upcoming calendar for particular opportunities.
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THE Plan
With background research in hand, I’ll identify your goals and create a strategy to reach them. This plan will be entirely unique to your issue, timeline, and budget. It will also include a dose of pop culture.
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Last, I will help on the ground. I will build in a base number of implementation hours to help put your plan into action.
Ready to brainstorm?